Boost Your Deliverable Throughput with Technical Report Management

Throughput Blog

As a project-driven company, you spend significant time and budget creating technical reports that reflect the quality of your services. Whether the report is one piece of a large project or a stand-alone revenue-generator, your growth and profitability depend on the ability to meet increasing demand and complete more deliverables in the same amount of time without additional resources.   

Companies in the AEC, environmental consulting and commercial real estate industries find it difficult to improve technical report throughput using traditional report writing processes. They’re now discovering that an end to end technical report management approach removes throughput constraints, empowering them to grow faster and more profitably.

Traditional Report Writing Limits Throughput

Developing technical reports using general purpose tools hinders your throughput in many ways.

  • Relying on copying and pasting from old reports to create new deliverables is a high-effort, time-consuming, and error-prone process that hinders efficiency and innovation while increasing the risk of outdated or irrelevant information slipping into final documents.
  • Report writers are forced to manually enter the same data over and over. Along with slowing the work and increasing error risk, it requires more QC time to ensure all that duplicate data entry is accurate—and time-consuming rework to correct mistakes.  
  • When there’s no easy way to standardize formats and verbiage across a portfolio of reports or repeat projects for the same client, the process grinds to a halt. The more time your report writers and reviewers spend trying to find and apply approved verbiage consistently, the longer it takes to move on to the next deliverable.
  • Writing lengthy narratives (which most clients don’t want to read) is a poor use of your finite report writing capacity. Replacing long narratives with easy-to-understand tables provides a better end user experience and helps your team handle more work in the same time. But traditional report writing tools weren’t built for efficient table creation.  
  • Struggling to manage photos and other supplemental report assets for assembly into key report appendices is an unfortunate reality for many report writers. They can spend hours handling this task—and that keeps them from working on the next deliverable.
  • When multiple people need to touch the same report, a smooth handoff keeps your deliverables moving along the most efficient route to completion. But traditional report writing tools don’t automate the workflow, leaving deliverables stalled in the process. 

Technical Report Management Increases Your Throughput

A modern technical report management (TRM) platform removes throughput constraints by replacing slow, inefficient processes with a streamlined, automated approach that moves deliverables along fast and efficiently. It gives report writers and reviewers all the functionality they need to complete their work quickly and accurately, eliminates wasted effort, speeds tasks, and ensures your reports don’t sit idle waiting for the next person in line. That means you can handle more report volume in the same time without adding headcount—gaining a huge competitive advantage, especially when talent is tough to find and retain.

Implementing end to end, purpose-built technology for your report development and delivery process enables you to clear your deliverable backlog, keep up with increasing demand, get more work out the door and GROW.

The Right Features Boost Deliverable Throughput

Technical report management features like these will significantly increase your deliverable throughput.

  • Easy-to-Use Templates. Your staff can handle more work in less time by using standard templates. A robust platform will include off-the-shelf templates and allow you to create custom formats with ease.
  • Automated Workflows. A modern TRM platform will keep your report generation and delivery process moving efficiently, automating the workflow to ensure a seamless handoff with no time lost.
  • Time-Saving Features. Look for a platform that saves your report writers time by eliminating manual work and redundant steps. With the ability to auto-populate data within one report or in bulk, quickly pull approved verbiage from a WordBank, and replace long narratives with SmartTables, report writers will get their work done faster.
  • Photo Management Tools. An effective report management platform greatly simplifies uploading, organizing, and captioning the many photos your report writers take at every site visit. The right solution replaces hours of work with just a few clicks.
  • Simple Revision Management. Report writers and reviewers can lose a lot of time making multiple rounds of revisions. A modern report management platform allows them to apply edits across a report or entire portfolio instantly—so they can get onto the next deliverable.
  • Collaborative Editing. Equipping your report writers and reviewers to edit deliverables collaboratively accelerates the process, so they can handle more volume in the same timeframe.
  • One-Click Assembly and Delivery. Without a technical report management platform, your team can spend hours collating and delivering reports—time they could be speeding on the next deliverable. A robust platform handles those tasks in seconds.

Advanced analytics also help remove report throughput constraints that keep you from growing your business. By choosing a technical report management platform that provides visibility into your report development process from end to end, you’ll gain the insights you need to pursue more new business with confidence.

Project-driven organizations that are ready to boost their report throughput turn to Quire Technical Report ManagementTM (TRMTM). It’s the only platform that streamlines, automates, and accelerates the technical report development-to-delivery process end-to-end, with analytics that enable you to make data-driven decisions to improve the bottom line.

Quire TRM revolutionizes how you create and deliver technical reports at scale, with a workflow that’s automated, streamlined, and efficient. TRM is the solution of choice for companies that want to increase technical report throughput while improving quality and driving down costs, consistently delivering exceptional results.

Our recent MarketWatch reports on several eye-popping achievements across our diverse client base for the first six months of 2024, all demonstrating the power of Quire TRM to improve throughput:

  • Businesses that use Quire TRM saved more than 32,000 hours compared to the same period last year. That adds up to 30+ FTEs on an annualized basis!
  • Our customers averaged 5.45 reports per user per month, a nearly 22% increase in productivity over the first half of 2023. This figure speaks to our platform’s ability to drive higher output, which speeds turnaround time and can even boost profitability.

Take a self-guided tour or schedule a live demo of the Quire TRM platform. You’ll see how the right purpose-built technology can boost your report throughput while driving down per-deliverable costs.

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