A Letter From The CEO

Mar 16, 2020

Dear Quire Users,

Many things are changing rapidly owing to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and I am writing to update you on what you can expect from Quire during this pandemic.

Firstly, we want to assure you that Quire is constantly monitoring the situation, and that our Users should expect no changes to the availability of the Quire platform. We will maintain our User support channels (Support Libraryand email ticketing available 24/7; Live Chat, available M-F 9AM - 6PM Eastern Time), as we always have. Users should expect no change in the availability or responsiveness of the Quire Team.

With regards to Quire staff, Quire is well-positioned should our Team move to operating as a fully-remote workforce, and we have provided our Team with the option to work from home to encourage the recommended social distancing. This will enable us to remain available to assist our Clients.

Quire Users who work remotely via VPN networks may experience some slowness if the VPN network is heavily used. Please check with your company’s IT Department, if you have any questions regarding remote access to the Quire platform.

Quire hopes that all Users and their families remain safe and healthy, and we encourage diligence in adhering to government recommendations. Updates on COVID-19 can be found at the website of theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).

We thank you for your support and your trust.


Kelly L.Stratton
Quire- CEO