Industry Highlight
Commerical Real
Estate Industry
Get your due diligence done faster, efficiently, and with more
confidence—without adding staff. That’s the power of Quire Technical Report
ManagementTM (TRMTM)
We make commercial
reporting easy.
- Collect and report on the data you need for property development and investment—always confident your deliverables are complete, accurate, and oh-so-clear.
- Support the technical and financial due diligence it takes to stay in-the-know and make informed decisions that reduce risk.
- Collaborate with all the technical experts your work demands—without slowing it down or ratcheting up the costs.
With a technical report management platform purpose-built for commercial real estate (CRE) applications, you’re getting those deliverables done fast and efficiently.
We get what you’re
grappling with.
technical reporting more challenging than ever.
As an unprecedented number of CRE loans matures in the coming years, a surge in loan refinancings is projected to spawn skyrocketing demand for lender-required technical reports.
Fast turnaround will always be a must in this transactional environment, no matter how dramatically the volume rises.
CRE reports have become increasingly commoditized—turning up the heat to create these deliverables as cost-effectively as possible while maintaining high quality.
Winning new business and growing your organization demands the ability to balance the speed, cost, and quality of your technical reports.
But relying on disparate systems and expecting your staff to simply “remember how to do it” won’t get the job done.
How do leading CRE firms overcome these obstacles and turn technical
reporting into a competitive advantage? With the Quire TRM platform.
How do leading CRE firms overcome these obstacles and turn technical
reporting into a competitive advantage? With the Quire TRM platform.
Quire toolkits to the rescue.
Creating technical reports that comply with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac requirements or meet the expectations of lenders that use CLOSER is just one more burden.
Unless you use Quire’s off-the-shelf toolkits.
Quire toolkits dramatically simplify the process of creating technical reports that meet regulatory and lender requirements. From standard offerings automatically included with your TRM solution (like the PCA, Fannie Mae 4099, and Freddie Mac 1104 and 1105 toolkits) to optional features like the Fannie Mae XML and CLOSER XML toolkits, you’ve got the tools to complete transactional reports faster, more efficiently, with a higher level of accuracy and quality.