The Pros & Cons of Two SaaS Pricing Models for Technical Report Writing

Report Review

You’ve recently come across a new SaaS (software as a service) product with an appealing offer: unlimited users under one license. You’re not yet certain who from your organization will need to use the software, so this sounds like an ideal pricing model. But there’s a catch. “Unlimited users” does not mean “unlimited everything.” Most […]

Quire Clicks with TitaniumCRE!

Here’s what Sunil Patel, Principal at TitaniumCRE, had to say about just one of Quire’s many time-saving features: “A client requested a summary spreadsheet of a 12-year capital reserve schedule for 27 sites. What would have taken a full day to compile in Excel was seamlessly generated in Quire with three clicks of the mouse! We submitted the Quire output without […]

Adventures in Report Writing

We hear from users all the time with feedback on how they’re using Quire, suggestions for new features, or sometimes just a funny story. This one, about how voice recognition doesn’t always get what you’re saying, comes from Mike C: So my funny story for the day regarding the Quire (mobile) app is that two […]

Turning a Quire Skeptic Into a Cheerleader

by Loraine DeBelser, AIA Partway into a large portfolio, I got an email from one of our contractors, stating that he was not going to honor his commitment to do the projects he had contracted for. He was someone known to us to be a bit crotchety, old-school, technologically stressed, finding Word and Excel to be […]

Poll Results: Which Upcoming Feature Are You Most Excited About?

Which upcoming feature on the Quire Roadmap are you most excited about?: 52.2% – Revision History for SmartTables 17.9% – Due Dates11.9% – Custom Map Frames10% – Other7.5% – Report Assignment Thank you to all those who responded!  SmartTable History took a strong lead in the latest poll and the best part is… you can use […]

Poll Results: Which Report Writing Platform Do You Prefer?

In our July newsletter we asked you which report writing platform you prefer. This might seem like a strange question since we know you’re all using Quire, but we understand that a lot of you work for larger companies and didn’t necessarily make the decision to switch to Quire.  So we wanted to get an […]