Proven Ways to Optimize and Improve Your Field Data Collection

Field Data Collection

Collecting data in the field can be daunting, but with the right tools and strategies in place, you can simplify and streamline the process of Field Data Collection. Quire’s team of Subject Matter Experts directly from the Industry have developed PCAs, ESAs, and the rest of the alphabet soup. We understand the pain points when […]

EPA Has Adopted the New ASTM Phase I Standard—Are Your Report Templates Ready?

Now that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted ASTM International’s E1527-21 Standard Practice on Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, environmental consulting firms and their clients want to be sure their Phase I reports are ready to meet the new standard. For Quire Clients – there’s no need to stress, we do the heavy lifting […]

How Report Writing Software Can Improve Workflows and Compliance

Your job is to write reports clearly, accurately, and with as much detail as needed. That requires a certain level of customization and attention to each report. But you also aim to be as efficient as possible so your company can increase profitability (without sacrificing report quality). That’s where workflows come in. The existing processes […]

The Pros & Cons of Two SaaS Pricing Models for Technical Report Writing

Report Review

You’ve recently come across a new SaaS (software as a service) product with an appealing offer: unlimited users under one license. You’re not yet certain who from your organization will need to use the software, so this sounds like an ideal pricing model. But there’s a catch. “Unlimited users” does not mean “unlimited everything.” Most […]

Error-Free Report Writing? Quire’s Spell Check Has Your Back!

You asked. Quire answered. While you might have your own grammar and spelling tool on your desktop or browser, Grammarly and other spell-checkers don’t always work well in web applications. Introducing Quire’s powerful new Spell Check engine. *Registered Users can access complete documentation here.* About the Tool Quire is the versatile, intuitive, efficient Report writing […]

5 Technical Report Optimization Tips

As recovering technical report writers, we know how easy it is to go on autopilot. It’s common to write and format reports a certain way because that’s the way it’s always been done.  But if you spend too much time formatting your reports, wrangling unwieldy data, and setting your writers up with the right information […]

5 Signs You Should Invest in Technical Report Software

Change can be tough. That’s part of why so many of us find joy in throwback activities like collecting vinyl records or sewing clothes at home. But there’s nothing nostalgic about inefficient, outdated processes when new tools can relieve so many of the common pain points. Are you ready to ditch the old ways of […]

How to Accelerate Your Report Writing from the Field

Environmental due diligence professionals and report writers are used to multitasking. Reviewing site conditions while looking at a map, logging findings, and taking photographs can be a head spinner, but many of us see it as “just part of the job.” Of course, the status quo isn’t always the best way to do things. Anything […]