Industry Highlight
Facilities Management professionals have their work cut out for them.
With the demands of optimizing building performance, staying compliant with evolving regulations,
and meeting sustainability goals, it’s not a job for the faint of heart. So when they hire experts to
handle their technical reports, they want assurance that you’ll get it done right and fast—
no matter how much volume they throw at you.
- Facility Condition Assessments
- Roof Inspection Reports
- Capital Planning Reports
- Pre-Lease Summary Reports
- Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Assessments
- Facade Assessments
- Building Tune-up Summary Reports
Our team has walked a mile in your shoes. In our former lives, we visited sites and generated many Facilities Management Documents. And we leveraged that experience in building Quire, ensuring you have access to all the tools you need to write Facilities-related reports efficiently.
Quire understands how important technical reports are to Facilities Management professionals, building owners, and the investors that back property deals.
Climate change concerns are driving new and fast-changing environmental standards and regulations.
High inflation is making facilities cost containment a bigger challenge and a higher priority.
A volatile real estate market is creating pressure to respond fast when new opportunities come up.
Whether your clients are doing a property review to plan for upcoming capital expenses, taking inventory of critical building infrastructure components across a large portfolio, assessing the environmental risks of a distressed property they’re considering buying, or evaluating a building before entering into a lease, they look to you for fast, accurate Technical Reports.
Let Quire toolkits do
(most of) the work.
Creating technical reports that comply with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac requirements or meet the expectations of lenders that use CLOSER is no small task—especially when labor is in short supply.
Our toolkits take the burden off your shoulders.
Quire off-the-shelf toolkits make your life so much easier. From standard offerings automatically included with your TRM solution (like the PCA, Fannie Mae 4099, and Freddie Mac 1104 and 1105 toolkits) to optional features like the Fannie Mae XML and CLOSER XML toolkits, we deliver everything you need to get those reports completed faster, more efficiently, with a higher level of accuracy and quality.