The New Word in Occupational Health


Focus on what matters. Leave the rest to Quire.

Trusted by the Nation's Top Firms

Industrial hygiene Reports just got easier.

When occupational health is on the line, accuracy is your number one priority. Our Technical Report Writing Solution helps prevent errors in data entry while producing clear, organized, perfectly formatted industrial hygiene Reports—and fast.

Industrial hygiene Reports done your way (with less stress).

There’s no time to waste when it comes to the health and wellbeing of a company’s workforce. So why are so many of your hours focused on formatting and data entry instead of what really matters? (Hint: Efficiency is not a standard Word™ feature.)
Whether you’re conducting baseline IH surveys, health risk assessments, or monitoring surveys, Quire gives you the power to build Templates your way. With the style and formatting you need at your fingertips, Quire drastically improves efficiency while highlighting the most important information clients need to make the right call for workplace safety.

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Features for productivity, consistency, and quality control

Quire’s unique Platform Features help you design Templates for maximum efficiency. Think of Quire as your personal assistant, helping you to easily populate the sections and terminology you use most (while hiding the sections you don’t). 


Word just wasn’t built to log and display large amounts of data collected over time. Incorporate SmartTables directly into the body of your Report with Quire.


No more searching through past Reports to see how you’ve worded previous collection procedures. Store a selection of commonly-used language in WordBank and instantly snag it.

Report Tags

Input data in one single location and watch it populate throughout your Report.


Here’s why firms can’t get enough of Quire.

One app to rule them all.

Say goodbye to those hours spent coordinating between Word™ and Excel. Quire’s intuitive Features and smart Templates mean you’ll never go back to the old ways.

Your efficiency sidekick.

 Focus on the data that matters most to you and your client, and let Quire take the pain out of compiling and formatting Reports.

Consistency—again and again.

Your clients always know where to find the information they need when Reports are built in Quire.

Tried & True

Our customers are our biggest fans!

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