Simplify and speed up your Zoning report writing to meet the demands of a growing industry.

Trusted by the Nation's Top Firms

Armada Analytics

Between dramatic changes in post-pandemic commercial office space use and a housing supply crunch, consultants are up to their ears in zoning work. Your clients are revamping properties to attract new tenant types, transitioning to mixed-use space to combat the remote work trend, and planning housing developments where demand is exploding. That means lots of Zoning Reports in your future.

How do you get a high volume of Zoning Reports done fast? With Quire, it’s a snap!

We keep the process moving.  

Since most zoning work is transactional, time is never on your side—or your client’s.

  • A lender can’t approve financing without a Zoning Assessment Report.  
  • A developer can’t buy a new property without knowing if there are grandfathered non-conformances that won’t carry forward.  
  • A commercial building owner can’t get renovations started without understanding whether the plan meets the latest zoning requirements.


In cases like these and more, your clients look to you for fast, accurate Zoning Reports. To make it happen, you need Quire. Our robust Technical Report Writing Platform gives you everything you need to generate the full range of Zoning-Related Reports, quickly and efficiently.

Designed to meet your Zoning Report needs.  

At Quire, we understand the importance of thorough Zoning Reports. From reviewing site plans and assessing building layout standards to checking for fire code or zoning violations, we know what you need to get it done.

The Quire Report Writing Platform enables you to create and customize Templates specifically tailored for Zoning Reports, including (but not limited to):

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Zoning report writing has never been easier.

Quire understands what it takes to generate complex Zoning Reports without the burden of time-consuming and error-prone manual work. That’s why our platform includes must-have Features like these:

Report Tags

Report Tags make it easy to cross-check data across PCAs, ESAs, and Zoning Reports—ensuring common data is consistent, without any manual work.


Our SmartTable Formulas make calculations like FAR (floor area ratio) a breeze.​

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools keep the Report writing process moving even when many hands are involved


These pull in all the necessary zoning code elements and display them in an easy-to-use tabular format.

Document Management

Simple document management, so you can automatically pull in and organize maps, surveys, zoning ordinance excerpts, municipal responses, and other Appendices


Simple-to-use electronic signature capabilities

need xml data?
you got it.

When Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other lenders require an XML data deliverable, don’t stress—Quire makes it simple. Use our fully integrated, customizable solution to generate XML files with one click, in seconds. Just add our XML capability to your existing Zoning Report Templates and you’re ready to go.

Find out which Reports Quire provides XML data for and how we’re meeting the upcoming Fannie Mae Data Standardization and CLOSER platform requirements.

Working on Zoning Reports for a large portfolio of properties? Quire has you covered!

The Quire platform makes it easy to capture and edit data points in bulk across hundreds of commercial project Reports or export portfolio-level data to Excel. Just make the change in one Report Template and it automatically populates across every other relevant Report. (That’s right…no need to make the same change over and over.)

Save more time with our Portfolio Toolkit.

Tried & True

Our customers are our biggest fans!

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