Quire + Lightbox Improve Integration with Images and Quire Mapping Tool

Jan 30, 2023

New PDF Report integrates Images with Quire Mapping Tool

Lightbox continues its commitment to EDR data customers by enhancing the integration with Quire’s Mapping Tool. EDR data users can choose to receive a Supplemental PDF report with matching aerial photographs, Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, and topographic maps that are specially formatted for direct upload and efficient editing in the Mapping Tool.

“We will always support customers seeking efficiency and productivity on report writing platforms and are listening to user feedback,” said Alan Agadoni, Senior VP at LightBox. “We appreciate our partnership with the Quire team, they have been great to work with, and we look forward to ongoing improvements across all our supported report platforms in 2023.”

Quire’s Mapping Tool and the EDR Supplemental PDF allow users to annotate images such as adding or manipulating boundaries, icons, shapes, and text to historic image map files. Users can also create custom maps with their logo using one of Quire’s nine base map layers. For more information or to activate this feature, contact your LightBox EDR representative to request the Supplemental PDF report be included with every data order.