Mapping/Drawing Tool Update

The Quire Mapping Tool has just been upgraded with several new features and a whole new interface that should make creating your maps way easier. We now can support custom markers. The upgrade includes a new set of default markers that you can use right out of the box, but if you have specific icons or images you’d like to use we can get them added just for you. You (or your system admin) can contact us to get the custom markers added to your account.

Custom Legends are another new feature included in this release. This new option provides an area on the map where you can draw your own legend based on whatever shapes/markers your company uses. This area will not zoom with the rest of the map so you can change locations or adjust the framing without worrying about the legend.

Up next for the mapping tool are Custom Map Frames. This will be another huge upgrade that will basically allow us to make your map pages look however you want. We can include any custom logos or images and a predefined legend that everyone in your company can use.

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