MarketWatch: Contributor Report Trends Over the Last Three Years

For years, Quire has analyzed tens of thousands of Reports from dozens of market lines generated all around the world. As Quire works to provide productivity-enhancing solutions for Clients, we’ve developed unique time-tracking and process data from the firms that use our platform. We’ve created MarketWatch as a way to share this data with report-writing professionals both in and outside the Quire solution.

It takes a village to write most technical Reports!

Report writing is inherently collaborative. In this MarketWatch, we take a look back at the last three years to determine how the trend of contributors per Report has changed over time. The following graphs showcase the percentage of total Reports by the number of unique contributors in 2020, 2021, and 2022. We’re exploring trend changes in the following five Service Lines: Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) Survey, Construction Progress Monitoring, Phase I ESA – ASTM, ESA Transaction Screen, Property Condition Assessments (PCA) Debt – ASTM, and Zoning Reports. In other words, the distribution of distinct Quire Users that updated these five Report types over the last three years.

The state of the economy was vastly different from 2020 to 2022. In 2021, companies saw a light at the end of the tunnel from COVID-19 and the beginning of some economic fluctuations. Now, in 2023, we can reflect on our Clients’ post-COVID return to normalcy coupled with an uncertain economic time.

When analyzing the contribution distribution for Asbestos ACM Surveys, the majority of Reports were completed by 2-3 contributors. When compared to the other Service Lines reviewed in this analysis, Asbestos Surveys have historically fewer contributors participating in Report creation.

Compared to other Service Lines, ESA Reports (including ESA Transaction Screens and Phase I ESA-ASTM Reports) have a larger distribution of contributors. The majority of Reports range from 2-5 contributors, with outliers in the 9-14 contributors range.

Two of the more notable trends were the increase in the number of average contributors in both the Phase I ESA – ASTM and the ESA Transaction Screen Template. A shift from 2020, where there was a majority of three contributors, to a steady increase in 5, 6, and 7 contributors in 2021 and 2022.

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