MarketWatch: Mobile App-Engaged Report Trends

For years, Quire has analyzed tens of thousands of Reports from dozens of market lines generated all around the world. As Quire works to provide productivity-enhancing solutions for Clients, we gain access to unique time-tracking and process data from the firms that use our platform. We’ve created MarketWatch as a way to share this data with report-writing professionals both in and outside the Quire solution.

In this MarketWatch, we’re analyzing changes to trends in Mobile App utilization across Service Lines. Quire has been enabling Report access from the field since 2016, and we’re showcasing how mobile usage has changed in 2022. See what we’ve discovered:

The graph above showcases the number of first-time Mobile App Users and the number of total unique Users who accessed the Quire Field Data Collector Mobile App in 2022. While we’ve left out the actual User numbers, you can see the total number of unique Users increases by approximately 50% between June 2021 and June 2022. On the other hand, we had more first-time Mobile App Users at the beginning of the year, indicating that the increase in field data collection isn’t primarily attributable to first-time Mobile App Users.

This begs the question – is the number of Users taking advantage of Field Data Collection just a result of increased Reports? To answer that, Quire experts reviewed the percentage of Reports with Mobile Access.

The Adoption of Field Data Collection Across Service Lines

To dive deeper into Mobile App User Metrics, our experts looked at the ratio between the total number of Reports and the total number of Reports where the mobile app was accessed at least once. Portfolios were removed from the data, as we identified they had significant fluctuations, specifically in the PCA Service Line. Looking at Non-Portfolio data only allows us to review a more consistent trend for day-in & day-out mobile app usage. We reviewed the following Service Lines:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
  • Debt-Level Property Condition Assessments
  • Construction Progress Monitoring
  • Asbestos Surveys
  • Transaction Screen Templates

All in all, we can see that the increase in mobile activity year over year is not unique to one Service Line but is actually occurring across a variety of Report types. Companies and Users of all Service Lines are increasing their adoption of field data collection. Check out the trends from those Service Lines below:

Do your Service Lines reflect the same trend? How is your company approaching field data collection adoption? Make sure you’re subscribed to MarketWatch for future articles on mobile device usage and their impact on average editing times.

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