Designed by report writers.

For report writers.

Microsoft Word™ wasn’t designed for technical report writing. Imagine a tool that is.

Quire helps consultants like you cut report writing time by 25-40%

From Zero to Flow

Your report writing process in MS Word™ probably looks something like this:

typical report lifecyle

Using Quire saves you time at every step in your process. On every Report.

typical report lifecyle (1)

it's no competition.

Feature Quire Word™
Auto-populate key information throughout your Report with Quire Report Tags
Granular revision history at the Section level
User Time Stamps
Mobile App that allows you to push data from the field directly to your Report
Automated Styling & Formatting
Multiple authors can work on the same Report at the same time
WordBank for supporting approved language
Third-Party Data Integration (that auto-populates into SmartTables)
Integrated Mapping Tools
Portfolio View: review metrics across an entire Portfolio
Assemble your PDF Report Deliverable with one click (including all your Appendices)
Automated Photo Management to easily incorporate images from your gallery to the Report body

Take a Self-Guided Tour

To put it simply – Quire rocks. Don’t believe us, see for yourself with our interactive, self-guided tour