Streamline Data Collection with Quire’s Technical Report Management™ (TRM) Platform

Data Collection

Data collection is a crucial part of the technical report management process, but it can also be one of the most time-consuming and tedious. That’s where Quire’s Technical Report Management (TRM) platform comes in.

Our purpose-built solution streamlines the data collection process, making it faster and more efficient. The cloud-based platform and integrated mobile app allow seamless data collection from the field or office, on any device. With bidirectional information flow between TRM Mobile and the TRM platform, there’s no need for painful duplicate data entry or report writing roadblocks.

TRM Mobile is fully integrated with third-party apps, ensuring seamless data collection, report writing, and sharing. It’s also field-friendly, allowing you to ditch pen and paper and collect data, upload images, and sync documents directly from your mobile device.

With TRM Mobile, you can enter data directly into your report, capture and upload photos with captions, upload notes to an appendix, and scan and sync documents, all from the field. This eliminates duplicate steps, reduces data inaccuracies, and ensures you meet tight deadlines. You can even hand off the report to a dedicated writer while you move on to the next field visit, maximizing efficiency.

By streamlining data collection and report writing, Quire TRM eliminates obstacles that hinder business growth and competitiveness. It transforms a time-consuming and tedious process into an automated and efficient one, leaving competitors behind.

Don’t accept the pain points that keep your business from growing profitably and competing successfully. Eliminate the obstacles with Quire TRM and turn data collection into a streamlined, automated process.

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