Turning a Quire Skeptic Into a Cheerleader

Nov 15, 2016

byLoraine DeBelser, AIA

Partway into a large portfolio, I got an email from one of our contractors, stating that he was not going to honor his commitment to do the projects he had contracted for.

He was someone known to us to be a bit crotchety, old-school, technologically stressed, finding Word and Excel to be a bit technologically challenging. His reports were always late. His reports were always pretty iffy in quality. He said he didn’t know that the portfolio was going to be in Quire, and that since he didn’t know it, he wanted out.

He said“Is it like Parcel? I won’t use Parcel.”

This portfolio was on a fast turn, and we didn’t have time to re-bid to others.
I convinced him to spend an hour with me on the phone, and I would walk him through how to use Quire. He agreed, and we spent that hour stepping through each tool available to him.

While starting as a skeptic, as each minute passed he became more and more animated. By the end of the hour, he was downright enthusiastic, stating that this was a complete game-changer, and he was excited to give it a try.

His reports came in early. They were consistent, without errors, and of a higher quality than ever before.

He told me that he never wanted to use anything else to write a report. He’s been one of our higher performers ever since, and always jumps at the opportunities that use Quire.

His direct quote:
“I wish this had been around earlier in my career….it would have changed everything”.

Loraine DeBelser, AIA, is Technical Director at Quire. She has more than 20 years experience in senior leadership roles including national firms such as EMG and GRS.