Work Flows with Quire

Sanity. Check.

One app, in the cloud, with all the bells and whistles means you can have your sanity (and your weekends) back.

Workflow Management Works

Files. Versions. Carryover mistakes. Not with Quire. Multiple collaborators can work on any part of the report at once. Managers get total visibility at every stage and well, work flows. Breeze through reports:

Save 15 minutes

Report Set Up

Technical report templates are ready to rock, project data is input once and populated throughout, and team notifications are sent automatically.

Save 15 minutes

Save up to 4 hours

Report Writing

No formatting required and no switching between apps. Tables, photos, text and 3rd party data are all in Quire.​

Save up to 4 hours

Save 15-30 minutes

Project Management

See time stamps, revision history and percent complete for every report or large portfolio.​

Save 15-30 minutes

Save 30-60 minutes

Report Reviews

Reviews are easy when you always have the latest version, changes are universal, and collaboration is real-time.​

Save 30-60 minutes

Save up to 1 hour

Client Changes

Changes can be made from one screen, and applied throughout reports or portfolios instantly, simplifying even the most detailed technical reports.​

Save up to 1 hour

Save 30-60 minutes

Assembly & Delivery

Quire reports are collated and delivered in seconds… we’ll let that sink in. ​

Save 30-60 minutes

25-40% Total Time Savings

Time is Money

You were made for better things than compiling appendices and formatting reports. What will you do with all the extra time you’ll save with this collaborative reporting workflow?

25-40% Total Time Savings

Report SetUp

Technical report templates are ready to rock, project data is input once and populated throughout, and team notifications are sent automatically.

Project Management

See time stamps, revision history and percent complete for every report or large portfolio.

Client Changes

Changes can be made from one screen, and applied throughout reports or portfolios instantly, simplifying even the most detailed technical reports.

Report Writing

No formatting required and no switching between apps. Tables, photos, text and 3rd party data are all in Quire.

Report Reviews

Reviews are easy when you always have the latest version, changes are universal, and collaboration is real-time.

Assembly & Delivery

Quire reports are collated and delivered in seconds … we’ll let that sink in.

Take back your work life. Quire makes you look like the rock star you are because it really improves reporting efficiency. Get the database report writing tools you need–in one tool.

"A core value of ECS is exemplary client service and utilizing Quire helps us achieve this. Quire gives us the ability to efficiently provide consistent and high quality deliverables to our clients, and the collaborative features of the platform facilitate overall project management. We’ve been able to utilize Quire in several of our service lines due to the platform’s adaptability and the willingness of the Quire team to accommodate our needs.”


benchmark data & insights for phase 1 esa reports

Download our guide to see how your company stacks up to the industry and learn a few tricks to improve your report writing workflow.

Field Collaboration

Are your technical experts not just desk jockeys? Our mobile app allows for online and offline collaboration.