Our customer raves

Quire transforms Report Writing for Bureau Veritas

Tables, Formulas, & Field Data Collection? Check!

As hardware keeps improving, we like that Quire keeps taking advantage of those changes by advancing the platform. Every five minutes we save here and there adds up over the many Reports we do every year.

Matt Fox, Bureau Veritas, Senior Engineering Consultant

Here’s what Nova says

Hint: we save them time big time
Time, time, and MORE TIME for writers, reviewers, and production staff. Reports can be prepared more efficiently, especially without having to reformat the report or remove unnecessary fonts/highlights. Quire also allows the writer to insert information that was gathered as part of the writing process into the appropriate appendices, and then allows the reviewer to decide which information is pertinent to the report or exclude information as they see fit. This eliminates the need for production to spend additional time preparing final reports. The Quire mapping and photo management tools have also been critical in saving time.

Wawa wins it

Speed, convenience + efficiency
The Quire templates have significantly improved the quality of the reports being completed– which has led to a 50% increase in report approvals on the first submission.
Julie Baniewicz, Apex Companies, LLC, Senior Project Manager
+50% improvement in report approvals on the 1st try
Compny Logo: Reliance Environmental, Inc.

Reliance realizes the benefits of Template optimization

Improved Quality = Improved Profits

“Our Template optimizations allow us to have a high-quality product, while limiting the tedium and redundancy that we had in our Template previously.”

Jesse Althouse, Reliance Environmental, Inc., Environmental Scientist

Ready to make report writing easier + more efficient?

Our clients love Quire because it makes them more efficient and cost effective than the competition. Don’t get left in the dust.