Tip: Section Links Can Now Display Project Summary Tables!
Want to display the Project Summary Table in the body of the Report? Now you can use a Section Link to do so! Click here to learn more.
Tip: Unmerging Cells
If you don’t see the “Unmerge cells” option in your target cell, please left-click in a different cell, then right-click in the target cell. (Do not click on the row number.) “Unmerge cells” will appear at the bottom of the dropdown list. Please visit Quire Chat Support if you have questions.
Log4j & Quire: Why Our Clients Can Rest Easy
Log4j is one of several Java libraries used for logging error messages in applications. It is the most prominent security vulnerability on the internet right now and has a severity score of 10 out of 10. The Quire platform does not have the Log4j framework enabled or installed on any of its server instances; therefore, […]
Quire Employees Ride for MS
This past weekend, Quire Team members Betty Stewart and Hayden Janssen participated in the City to Shore 150-mile bike ride to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.